Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Hotel of Blue Sky, Balikpapan
In order to memorating anniversary of Hospital of Pertamina Balikpapan ( RSPB ) the 22nd will be carried out by a medical symposium with the title " Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder"Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Hotel of Blue Sky, Balikpapan
Thrombosis disease attributed to assorted of disease like angina pektoris, coronary heary disease, non hemoragik stroke, TIA, disease in the situation hiperkoagulabilitas by fibrinogen is high relative, liver cirrhosis is attributed to disease of Hepatitis B and also C which kronik as well as fatty liver
Event Formation
11.30-12.45 Registration and lunch
12.45-13.00 Greeting from committee chief, greeting from director RSPB
13.00-13.30 A New Concept in The Management of Thrombotic Disorder ( dr M. Iqbal Sp.Jp )
13.30-14.00 Clinical Experiences with Oral Thrombolytic Therapy ( dr. RWM Kaligis Sp.Jp(K )
14.00-14.30 Do We Have an Effective Treatment for Liver Fibrosis and non-invasive Marker to Evaluate Fibrotc Stage ( Prof. Dr. Nurul Akbar Sp.Pd-KGEHh )
14.30-15.00 Discussion
15.00-15.15 Door Prize
15.15-selesai Coffee break
Committee Secretariat:
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.1 Balikpapan
Telp. 0542-734020
Fax. 0542-736134.
Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder
Sabtu, 4 April 2009
Hotel Blue Sky, Balikpapan
Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder
Sabtu, 4 April 2009
Hotel Blue Sky, Balikpapan
Dalam rangka memperingati ulang tahun Rumah Sakit Pertamina Balikpapan (RSPB) yang ke-22 akan diselenggarakan simposium medis dengan judul "Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder"
Penyakit Trombosis dihubungkan dengan berbagai macam penyakit seperti angina pektoris, penyakit jantung koroner, stroke non hemoragik, TIA, penyakit pada keadaan hiperkoagulabilitas dengan fibrinogen relatif tinggi, sedang sirosis hati dihubungkan dengan penyakit Hepatitis B maupun C yang konik dan juga perlemakan hati
Susunan Acara
11.30-12.45 Registrasi dan makan siang
12.45-13.00 Sambutan ketua panitia, sambutan direktur RSPB
13.00-13.30 A New Concept in The Management of Thrombotic Disorder ( dr. M. Iqbal Sp.JP )
13.30-14.00 Clinical Experiences with Oral Thrombolytic Therapy ( dr. RWM Kaligis Sp.JP(K) )
14.00-14.30 Do We Have an Effective Treatment for Liver Fibrosis and non-invasive Marker to Evaluate Fibrotc Stage ( Prof. Dr. Nurul Akbar Sp.PD-KGEH )
14.30-15.00 Diskusi
15.00-15.15 Door Prize
15.15-selesai Coffee break
Sekretariat Panitia:
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.1 Balikpapan
Telp. 0542-734020
Fax. 0542-736134
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