I'm happy to tell you that i've made this blog just to share medical information and to connect people who works in the world of medic and health. Hope that I can help you and we can help each other.......For our motherland Indonesia !!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hunger & hope

Since world hunger was the prominent social awareness campaign suggedte by Blog Catalog members Bloggers Unite is partnering with Heifers International, a worldwide movement that aims to end hunger and poverty by providing livestock and agricultural training to improve lives.

Unite For Hunger And Hope

All you have to do to help end world hunger is to join thousands of others bloggers on April 29th, 2009 and write a post about world hunger. You can make a difference.

  • Right now, more than 500 million people are living what the World Bank has labeled “absolute poverty,” with more than 15 million children die of hunger every year.
  • World Health Organization estimates that one-third is under-fed one-third is starving. By the time you read this announcement, 200 more people will die of starvation.
  • Even in the United States, 46 percent of African-American children and 49 percent of Latino children are considered chronically hungry.

Organizations like Heifers International are part of the solution. Every day in April, Heifer International is working hard to help lift people out of poverty by providing communities with livestock and agricultural training to improve lives and empower people. Once these communities are empowered, they help neighboring communities and “Pass on the Gift.”

What can you do for Bloggers Unite For Hunger And Hope?

  • Register for the event on BloggersUnite.org and add a badge to your blog.
  • Watch for the upcoming event news release and topic backgrounders.
  • Visit Heifer International to learn more about Pass On The Gift.
  • Make a small donation or take some other action to end world hunger.

So guys what do you think about it...
many people are still in hunger, what can I do, what can you do, and what we allcan do to finish this, we as a medical proffesionals, can help them by making donation, go to cure those who in need of medical attention but with no fund on them, talk to them, love them and that's all that they need.....
So mate God Bless You all..........

Update Pelatihan HIPERKES 2009


This information I earn from dr. Ay's blog at http://dr-aysay.blogspot.com
According to its information this medical program will be performed by this following period

- Period I : 27 April - 6 May 2009

- Period II : 25 May - 4 June 2009

- Period III : 15 - 25 June 2009

- Period IV : 21 - 31 July 2009

If Coleage wish to do schedule adjustment, please contact the CP. For the period of hereinafter will be made later

This training is destined to all doctor which want to be the company doctor, and certificate represent the condition is obliged for every doctor which wish to develop its career in a company
Besides certificate going into effect for a lifetime, this training also get the accreditation IDI equal to 12 SKP This Training take place during 10 day, covering activity of items and courses, and also plant survey to company

Minimum registration time are10 day before training, transferring to account
- Devoted BCA Cab.Bandung [of] Kindness of No.2331.6484.87 an. Segal Abdul Aziz
- BNI'46 Cab UI Depok no.0165368986 an.Sorayah Agustini
- Self-Supporting Bank [of] cab. Jakarta RSCM no.122.00.05183309 an.Fitri Juniarta
Voucher sent via fax to ( 021) 31926364 on work day
Furthermore information:

CP: Segal ( 08156078352), Oya ( 02192627208), Hilmi ( 02193078700)
emaill: hiperkes_ui@yahoo.com

Update Pelatihan HIPERKES 2009

Informasi ini saya dapat dari blognya dr. Ay di


Jadi menurut informasinya akan diadakan pelatihan hiperkes dengan periode sebagai berikut
- Periode I : 27 April - 6 Mei 2009
- Periode II : 25 Mei - 4 Juni 2009
- Periode III : 15 - 25 Juni 2009
- Periode IV : 21 - 31 Juli 2009

Apabila Teman Sejawat ingin melakukan penyesuaian jadwal, silahkan hubungi CP. Untuk periode selanjutnya akan dibuat kemudian.

Pelatihan ini diperuntukkan bagi para dokter-dokter yang ingin menjadi dokter perusahaan, dan sertifikatnya merupakan syarat wajib bagi setiap dokter yang ingin mengembangkan karirnya di sebuah perusahaan.

Selain sertifikat yang berlaku seumur hidup, pelatihan ini juga mendapatkan akreditasi IDI sebesar 12 SKP.

Pelatihan ini berlangsung selama 10 hari, meliputi kegiatan materi dan kursus, serta plant survey ke perusahaan.

Pendaftaran minimal 10 hari sebelum pelatihan, dilakukan melalui transfer ke rekening:

-BCA cab.Bandung Setia Budi no.2331.6484.87 an. Segal Abdul Aziz
-BNI'46 cab UI Depok no.0165368986 an.Sorayah Agustini
-Bank Mandiri cab. Jakarta RSCM no.122.00.05183309 an.Fitri Juniarta

Bukti Pembayaran dikirim via fax ke (021) 31926364 pada hari&jam kerja

Keterangan lebih lanjut:
CP: Segal (08156078352), Oya (02192627208), Hilmi (02193078700)
email: hiperkes_ui@yahoo.com

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Comprehensive And Advance Medical Diagnostic In Medical Services


Comprehensive And of Advance of Medical Diagnostic In Medical Services
Doctor Seminar
Cooperation of PERSI of East Borneo with Siloam Hospital Group
IDI Accreditation ( Competitor 8 SKP )

Execution :
Day / date of : Saturday, 18 April 2009
Time : At 08.30 - Finish
Place : Borneo Ballroom,
Hotel Novotel, Balikpapan, Jl. Brigjen Ery Suparjan No. 2
Balikpapan, East Borneo

Event Schedule :
08.30 - 09.00 Registration + Snack
09.00 - 09.30 Opening
09.30 - 09.50 dr. Charles M Hutasoit, Sp.U
" Recent Therapy for Urinary Stone "
09.50 - 10.10 dr. Rocksy Fransisca V Situmeang, Sp.S
" Thrombolytic Therapeutic "
10.10 - 10.30 dr. Felix Fodianto, Sp.Jp
" Hiperlipidemi And Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease "
10.30 - 10.45 Tea Break
10.45 - 11.05 dr. Ahmad Suryawan, Sp.A ( K)
" Advanced Assesment to Predict Developmental Disorders Of Children in
Clinical Practice"
11.05 - 11.25 dr. Dody Priambada, Sp.BS
" Neurosurgery Service in Balikpapan"
11.25 - 11.45 dr. Eka J Wahjoepramono, Sp.BS
" Management Spontaneus Intracerebral Bleeding"
11.45 - 12.30 Question And Answer
12.30 - 13.00 Closing - Lunch

For further information contact :
Sekretariat Panitia Daerah Kalimantan Timur
Rumah Sakit Ibu & Anak Pelita Hati
Jl. Imam Bonjol no.1 Balikpapan

Online Reservasi : http://www.infomedicalseminar.com

Comprehensive And Advance Medical Diagnostic In Medical Services
Seminar Dokter
Kerjasama PERSI Daerah Kalimantan Timur
dengan Siloam Hospital Group
Akreditasi IDI ( Peserta 8 SKP )

Pelaksanaan :
Hari/tanggal : Sabtu, 18 April 2009
Waktu : Pukul 08.30 - Selesai
Tempat : Borneo Ballroom,
Hotel Novotel, Balikpapan, Jl. Brigjen Ery Suparjan No. 2
Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur

Jadwal Acara :
08.30 - 09.00 Registrasi + Snack
09.00 - 09.30 Pembukaan
09.30 - 09.50 dr. Charles M Hutasoit, Sp.U
"Penanganan Terkini Batu Saluran Kemih"
09.50 - 10.10 dr. Rocksy Fransisca V Situmeang, Sp.S
"Thrombolytic Therapeutic"
10.10 - 10.30 dr. Felix Fodianto, Sp.JP
"Hiperlipidemi dan Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Koroner"
10.30 - 10.45 Tea Break
10.45 - 11.05 dr. Ahmad Suryawan, Sp.A (K)
"Advanced Assesment to Predict Developmental Disorders Of Children in
Clinical Practice"
11.05 - 11.25 dr. Dody Priambada, Sp.BS
"Neurosurgery Service in Balikpapan"
11.25 - 11.45 dr. Eka J Wahjoepramono, Sp.BS
"Management Spontaneus Intracerebral Bleeding"
11.45 - 12.30 Tanya Jawab
12.30 - 13.00 Penutupan - Makan Siang

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:
Sekretariat Panitia Daerah Kalimantan Timur
Rumah Sakit Ibu & Anak Pelita Hati
Jl. Imam Bonjol no.1 Balikpapan

Reservasi Online : http://www.infomedicalseminar.com

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Election - CONTRENG

Have been conducted an election for the member of legislative directly, that is we are as Indonesian citizen directly vote for the legislative which in this year take amount to 4 sheet. Wow what a lot of number... usually we onlt do 1 sheet.... make us confused o choose, but this have become our obligation as citizen to do so.......
Usually we stab for voting, this but which we doing is only ticking.........
For all of us who had voted, congratulation to all of you for doing something for our state......
The result whereas until this post made, its winner are Democrat at the first place followed by PDI and GOLKAR. It seems that Democrat Party will win the this legislative general election.......
to as complete as about general election can seen in.........
We as a medic should also participate this event to support and make the future of our country
OK Guys........

Telah dilakukan pemilihan untuk anggota legislatif yang dilakukan secara langsung yaitu kita sebagai warga negara Indonesia secara langsung melakukan pemilihan pada kertas suara yang pada tahun ini berjumlah 4 lembar. Banyak banget.... bikin pusing nyontrengnya, tapi ini sudah menjadi kewajiban kita sebagai warga negara untuk melakukannya.......
Biasanya surat suara di coblos, tapi kali ini yang kita lakukan hanya mencontreng.........
Jadi bagi yang uda nyontreng..... selamat anda telah melakukan sesuatu bagi negara kita......
Hasil sementara sampai postingan ini dibuat pemenangnya adalah Partai Demokrat diikuti oleh PDI dan GOLKAR.. jadi tampaknya Partai Demokratlah yang akan memenangkan pemilu legislatif ini.......
untuk selengkapnya tentang pemilu dapat di lihat di.........

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spirometry Medical Training

there is Email from Institution of Sudjoko Kuswadji about medical training
Event of Institution of Sudjoko Kuswadji 14-15 April 2009 Spirometry
TO Director, HRD Manager, HSE Manager, Doctor And Paramedik Company, Other Doctor
A lot of spirometry made for the employees of when health inspection, in the reality yield restriktif. This is happened by the effect of a lot of matter, like: the spirometer is not calibrated, its standard person is still foreigner, wrong puff technique etc. this make spirogram is useless
At 14-15 April 2009 will be carried out training Spirometry in Jakarta to all operator spirometer like Company Doctor, Nurse of Company etc
All enthusiast suggested to contact Atik Dwi Suharti to get the other clarification or brochure. Ms. Atik can be contacted [in HP No 081310520490 or fax 021 8882138. Or Ms. Indah HP No 08119931727. Or if phoning business can contact Ms. Dewi [in] phoning 021 7343651 or fax 021 7358966 or enamel to: yayasan_sudjoko_ kuswadji@ yahoo.com
For your kind attention we say a lot of thank
Yours Sincerely
Institution of Sudjoko KUSWADJI
Consultancy And Health Training Work the ( Consultancy Free via SMS or Email)
Jl Puyuh Timur III EG 3 No 1 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 5 Jurang Manggu Timur
Tangerang 15222 Banten Indonesia Telepon: +62217343651 Fax: +62217358966
HP: + 628129290059 Fax Car: + 628129212647 Enamel: yayasan_sudjoko_ kuswadji@ yahoo.com
HTTP://www.yayasansudjokokuswadji. org/
attachment : here

ada Email dari Yayasan Sudjoko Kuswadji

Acara Yayasan Sudjoko Kuswadji 14-15 April 2009 Spirometry

Yth Direktur, HRD Manajer, HSE Manajer, Dokter dan Paramedik Perusahaan, Dokter lainnya,

Banyak spirometry yang dibuat untuk karyawan ketika pemeriksaan kesehatan, ternyata menghasilkan restriktif. Ini terjadi akibat banyak hal, seperti: spirometernya tidak dikalibrasi, standardnya masih orang bule, teknik peniupan salah dll. Walhasil spirogram ini mubazir.

Pada tanggal 14-15 April 2009 akan diselenggarakan pelatihan Spirometry di Jakarta untuk para operator spirometer seperti Dokter Perusahaan, Perawat Perusahaan dll;

Para peminat dianjurkan untuk menghubungi ibu Atik Dwi Suharti untuk mendapatkan brosur atau penjelasan lainnya. Ibu Atik bisa dihubungi di HP No 081310520490 atau fax 021 8882138. Atau Ibu Indah di HP No 08119931727. Atau jika telpon sibuk bisa menghubungi ibu Dewi di telpon 021 7343651 atau fax 021 7358966 atau email ke: yayasan_sudjoko_ kuswadji@ yahoo.com.

Atas perhatian anda kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih.


Yayasan Sudjoko KUSWADJI
Konsultasi dan Pelatihan Kesehatan Kerja (Konsultasi Cuma-cuma via SMS atau Email)
Jl Puyuh Timur III EG 3 No 1 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 5 Jurang Manggu Timur
Tangerang 15222 Banten Indonesia Telepon: +62217343651 Fax: +62217358966
HP: +628129290059 Fax Mobil: +628129212647 Email: yayasan_sudjoko_ kuswadji@ yahoo.com
HTTP://www.yayasansudjokokuswadji. org/

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hepatic Cirrhosis Can Be Cured

Medicalinfo today will converse to the effect that which I earn from symposium RSPB which I follow last saturday.
In symposium brought by Prof. Dr. dr. Nurul Akbar Sp.Pd-KGEH ( he is professor of internal medicine in FKUI / RSCM ) with the title " Evaluate The Fibrosis of Liver by Noninvasif diagnostic by Fibroscan for Therapy of Anti Fibrosis", informed that with the existence of newest medication it was proffed that fibrosis and cirrhosis hepatis can be cured/reversible!!!!
From that symposium is said that with consuming so called drug of AHFC, a number of patient have shown an real changes of fibrosis liver level proved by measuring the fibrosis level with fibroscan....
Fibroscan is appliance for measure elasticity of the liver which in this case mean that the liver with the high level fibrosis even at cirrhosis phase have low elasticity level ( stiff ). And more important that fibroscan represent the appliance which noninfasif compared to a liver biopsy ( golden Standard ) in assessing level of fibrosisitas of the liver.
From the research which he conduct have proved a real improvement after using AHFC

Cirrhosis May be more reversible than previously thought.....Reversibility will be esential issue in selecting patients for anti-fibrotic therapy vs. Transplantation.-------S Friedman, 2000

Fibrosis Is reversible....cirrhosis that develops rapidly may be completely reversible....the irreversibility of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis is related to its duration.-------D. Montgomery Bissel, 2002

AHFC ( Anti Hepatic Fibrosis Cirrhosis)
--- taken away from its brochure---

Every sachet contain the extract of radix astragallus 300mg,ekstrak radix salviae miltiorrhizae 500mg, extract of radix Bupleurum 200mg, extract of radix caulis spatholobus 500mg, dll.

Indication and way of use:
Stop the Fibrosis-Prevent Cirrhosis:
For hepatitis kronik patients with its cause is never vanish (virus,dll). 1 medication step for 6 month, 3 times 1 sachet, pour boiling water into with the warm water sufficiently. Continued with the next step, 2 times 1 sachet of during its cause remain to.
Cirrhosis Therapy:
For the cure of liver tissue, patient of hepatitis kronik with the cirrhosis marking. Minimum 4 medication step or more depended by a disease circumstance, 3 times 1 sachet.
It is safe for the medication of long-range.

Medicalinfo hari ini akan berbicara tentang hal yang saya dapat dari simposium RSPB yang saya ikuti sabtu kemarin.
Dalam simposium yang dibawakan oleh Prof. Dr. dr. Nurul Akbar Sp.PD-KGEH ( beliau adalah guru Besar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM ) dengan judul "Evaluasi Fibrosis Hati Sacara Noninvasif Dengan Fibroscan Pada Terapi Anti Fibrosis", disampaikan bahwa dengan adanya pengobatan terbaru dibukikan bahwa fibrosis dan sirosis hepatis dapat DISEMBUHKAN !!!!
Dari simposium itu dikatakan bahwa dengan mengkonsumsi obat yang bernama AHFC sejumlah pasien telah menunjukkan suatu perubahan yang nyata pada tingkat fibrosis hati yang dibuktikan melalui suatu alat ukur yang bernama fibroscan....
Fibroscan adalah alat untuk menukur tingkat elastisitas hati yang dalam hal ini berarti bahwa hati dengan tingkat fibrosis yang tinggi bahkan pada tahap sirosis mempunyai tingkat elastisitas yang rendah (kaku). Dan yang lebih penting bahwa fibroscan merupakan alat yang noninfasif dibandingkan biopsi hati (golden Standard) dalam menilai tingkat fibrosisitas hati.
Jadi pada penelitian yang beliau lakukan telah membuktikan suatu perbaikan yang nyata setelah menggunakan AHFC.

Cirrhosis may be more reversible than previously thought.....Reversibility will be esential issue in selecting patients for anti-fibrotic therapy v. Transplantation.-------S Friedman, 2000

Fibrosis is reversible....cirrhosis that develops rapidly may be completely reversible....the irreversibility of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis is related to its duration.-------D. Montgomery Bissel, 2002

AHFC (Anti Hepatic Fibrosis Cirrhosis)
---diambil dari brosurnya---

Tiap sachet mengandung ekstrak radix astragallus 300mg,ekstrak radix salviae miltiorrhizae 500mg, ekstrak radix Bupleurum 200mg, ekstrak radix caulis spatholobus 500mg, dll.

Indikasi dan cara penggunaan:
Stop Fibrosis-cegah sirosis:
Untuk penderita hepatitis kronik dengan penyebabnya menetap (virus,dll). 1 tahapan pengobatan 6 bulan sehari 3 kali 1 sachet, diseduh dengan air hangat secukupnya. Dilanjutkan dengan tahapan berikutnya, sehari 2 kali 1 sachet selama penyebabnya menetap.
Terapi Sirosis:
Untuk pemulihan jaringan hepar, penderita hepatitis kronik dengan tanda-tanda sirosis. Minimal 4 tahapan pengobatan atau lebih tergantung keadaan penyakit, sehari 3 kali 1 sachet.
Aman untuk pengobatan jangka panjang

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Medical Information on Advanced Trauma Life Support

Medical Information on ATLS

Advanced Trauma Life Support

01-03 Mei 2009

Teaching Center Building Faculty of Medicine

University of Mulawarman

In the A. Wahab Sjahranie General Hospital


Advanced Trauma Life Support is a unique continuing education program which emphasizes on the additional training and education required by emergency medical services professionals in handling trauma patients. The program is designed to enhance and increase knowledge aand skill in delivering critical care in the hospital environment

The course focuses on trauma patients in hospital environment, i.e. how to identify and manage the trauma patients with the highest level of care and provide them the greatest chance of survival.

The ATLS course is constantly being updated and revised to keep up with advances in the field and it promote critical thinking level as the foundation for providing quality care. It’s been devoted by leaders in the field the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma

Event Organizer



Jl. Palang Merah Indonesia, Samarinda 75123

CP: Elin 085821199079

Dr. Ria Komariyah 0811559577

Account: BCA KCP A. Yani No. rek: 7935040965

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Medical Simposium "Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder"

Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Hotel of Blue Sky, Balikpapan
In order to memorating anniversary of Hospital of Pertamina Balikpapan ( RSPB ) the 22nd will be carried out by a medical symposium with the title " Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder"
Thrombosis disease attributed to assorted of disease like angina pektoris, coronary heary disease, non hemoragik stroke, TIA, disease in the situation hiperkoagulabilitas by fibrinogen is high relative, liver cirrhosis is attributed to disease of Hepatitis B and also C which kronik as well as fatty liver

Event Formation
11.30-12.45 Registration and lunch
12.45-13.00 Greeting from committee chief, greeting from director RSPB
13.00-13.30 A New Concept in The Management of Thrombotic Disorder ( dr M. Iqbal Sp.Jp )
13.30-14.00 Clinical Experiences with Oral Thrombolytic Therapy ( dr. RWM Kaligis Sp.Jp(K )
14.00-14.30 Do We Have an Effective Treatment for Liver Fibrosis and non-invasive Marker to Evaluate Fibrotc Stage ( Prof. Dr. Nurul Akbar Sp.Pd-KGEHh )
14.30-15.00 Discussion
15.00-15.15 Door Prize
15.15-selesai Coffee break
Committee Secretariat:
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.1 Balikpapan
Telp. 0542-734020
Fax. 0542-736134.

Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder
Sabtu, 4 April 2009
Hotel Blue Sky, Balikpapan

Dalam rangka memperingati ulang tahun Rumah Sakit Pertamina Balikpapan (RSPB) yang ke-22 akan diselenggarakan simposium medis dengan judul "Recent Evidence in The Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis and Thrombotic Disorder"
Penyakit Trombosis dihubungkan dengan berbagai macam penyakit seperti angina pektoris, penyakit jantung koroner, stroke non hemoragik, TIA, penyakit pada keadaan hiperkoagulabilitas dengan fibrinogen relatif tinggi, sedang sirosis hati dihubungkan dengan penyakit Hepatitis B maupun C yang konik dan juga perlemakan hati

Susunan Acara
11.30-12.45 Registrasi dan makan siang
12.45-13.00 Sambutan ketua panitia, sambutan direktur RSPB
13.00-13.30 A New Concept in The Management of Thrombotic Disorder ( dr. M. Iqbal Sp.JP )
13.30-14.00 Clinical Experiences with Oral Thrombolytic Therapy ( dr. RWM Kaligis Sp.JP(K) )
14.00-14.30 Do We Have an Effective Treatment for Liver Fibrosis and non-invasive Marker to Evaluate Fibrotc Stage ( Prof. Dr. Nurul Akbar Sp.PD-KGEH )
14.30-15.00 Diskusi
15.00-15.15 Door Prize
15.15-selesai Coffee break

Sekretariat Panitia:
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.1 Balikpapan
Telp. 0542-734020
Fax. 0542-736134
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