whew this again horror in samarinda and surroundings
happened by the arrest to people who work in medical area.......
there is nurses under arrest because conducting doctor practice.........
doctors are seizeed because of dispensing
owner of dispensary/apotik get captured because of selling OKT to people without a prescription.............
hospital to be claimed because of a case ......
whew becouse of all that make me become stressssssssss
now if you wanna medicine and appliance for the practice is very hard...... dispensary/apotik don't want to sell spuit.... injection drug ... n even more, they say that doctor may not give injection in their practice...????? what???
all nurse get the wind up and don't dare to practice again at home ( good ) but the problem is that they also don't have courage to handle the patient..... some from nurse not dare to inject the patient even exist nurses which not dare to for the measure blood pressure (in some place the docthor that need to measure blood pressure)..... what????
well in samarinda and surroundings for the worker of medical again feel the atmosphere which are not well............
let us see what will be happened hereinafter....
thats all for now on for medical info hope thal i'll be telling tou good news
wah ini lagi horor di samarinda
terjadi penangkapan terhadap orang-orang yang bekerja di bidang medis.......
ada mantri ditangkap polisi karena melakukan praktek kedokteran.........
dokter yang ditahan karena dispensing
pemilik apotik yang ditangkap karena menjual OKT kepada sembarang orang.............
rumah sakit yang akan dituntut karena suatu kasus......
wah gara-gara semua itu membuat gue jadi stressssssssss
sekarang kalo nyari obat dan alat untuk praktek susah banget...... apotik pada ga mau jualin spuit.... obat suntik... n bahkan kara mereka kalo dokter itu ga boleh nyuntik di praktek...????? what???
para perawat jadi takut n pada ga praktek lagi di rumah (good) tapi maalahnya mereka juga jadi ga berani untuk menangani pasien..... beberapa dari perawat malah uda ga berani untuk nyuntik bahkan ada yang ga berani untuk ngukur tekanan darah(beberapa tempat malah dokternya yang disuruh nensi)..... what????
well di samarinda untuk petugas medis lagi menglami suasana yang kondusif............
mari kita liat lagi apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya....
Friday, March 20, 2009
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