I'm happy to tell you that i've made this blog just to share medical information and to connect people who works in the world of medic and health. Hope that I can help you and we can help each other.......For our motherland Indonesia !!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Medical Permission

Whew new day.... but still with the same medical problem......... the nurses still do not want to to conduct medical action without doctor command..... but at some area, the local health organisation have given permission to nurse and midwife to conduct medication .........(???????)........
Wow..... this problem has become somewhat expanding......... how is this medical problem ought to be finished?????? while doctor is needing by assorted code/law, interest, practice permission, but ....... u know man!!!!........
Well we do not know what will be happening...... but we hope best and give justice for all .....ok
Thats all for this medical info........ if there are any further information, I'll make sure that you'll be informed again./////

Wah hari baru.... tapi masih dengan masalah medis
yang sama......... para perawat masih tidak mau untuk melakukan tindakan medis bila tanpa perintah dokter..... tapi pada beberapa daerah, dinas kesehatan setempat telah memberi ijin kepada perawat dan bidan untuk melakukan tindakan pengobatan .........(???????)........
wah..... emang masalah ini menjadi sesuatu hal yang berkembang......... bagaimana seharusnya masalah medis ini berlakhir?????? sementara dokter untuk praktek perlu melalui macam undang-undang, kompetensi, ijin praktek, tapi ....... u know lah........
well kita tidak tau apa yang akan terjadi...... tapi kita berharap yang terbaik dan terjadi keadilan bagi semua pihak.....ok
demikian dulu info medical........ bila ada perkembangan akan diinformasikan lagi./////

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