I'm happy to tell you that i've made this blog just to share medical information and to connect people who works in the world of medic and health. Hope that I can help you and we can help each other.......For our motherland Indonesia !!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

REAL thing about SIP

In Medical Info converse about PTT. PTT in medical world own the meaning of devotion in exile places for a period of time. which is after that will get the letter finish a period of devoting. Therefore, PTT at some times ago is true obliged for new doctor which wish to own the SIP ..... because if them do not experience the PTT hence SIP which they get only SIP with length only 6 month extendable and so on as much 3 times. what???.... Because letter finish a period of devoting is one of the conditions to get the SIP FULL. Than afterwards?????/ this Well Matter is also experienced by me. Me in this time reside in the Samarinda capital of Kalimantan East.
I pass at December 2006 with friend of FKUA generation 2000. Back To nature..... Because that time after applying for PTT center as much 2 times and altogether REFUSED hence finally I set mind on to come home to native land.... KAMPONG..... work a private sector hospital...... and is obliged to own the SIP... but what an I do, because not yet PTT finally can only got SIP which is 6 monthly....... after that, there is the Permenkes 512/MENKES/PER/IV/2007 at 27 april 2007.... expressing that we can earn FULLY SIP without accompanied by the letter finish a period of devoting.... Become its Conclusion????? yes we don't need the PTT...... INDEPENDENCE at last......... When I ask DKK Samarinda..... it's remain the same no FULLY SIP......... hikS.... but anyway I remain to make the SIP its better than having no license and time go on........ writer finally lengthen to third times. will ga writer will finally thinks several things to do to save the situation
1. PTT
2. Go study again
3. Marry again.... what??? sorry....its move to other town which where can make the SIP FULL
4. PNS ( this is finally taken by writer ........)
well fella its autonomy
Become its conclusion ......... just conclude it your self.... hehehe
There are some sensible choice for you my friend
1. PTT first let's say that we should get experience and serve for nation and also become the human being which is good for fatherland
2. Directly take school of PPDS
3. Directly marry and become mother / good domestic father
4. Look for the area which can to make the SIP full ( you can find alot of place....trust me)
5. Hold out by SIP which is that 6 month
6. Change over the profession ( inadvisable )
7. Become the PNS
8. Become volunteer in disaster area ( I think in disaster area we don't need SIP... likely
9. ETC ( If there is any idea you can tell me.......)
ok That's all for today medical info...
for you who want to download Permenkes 512/MENKES/PER/IV/2007 You can download here
for the form of SIP application you can download here
What do you think???????

Info medis kali ini berbicara tentang PTT. PTT itu di dunia kedokteran memiliki arti suatu pengabdian kedaerah dalam suatu masa bakti tertentu. Yang setelahnya akan mendapatkan surat selesai masa bakti. Oleh karena itu, PTT pada beberapa waktu yang lalu memang diwajibkan untuk dokter baru yang ingin memiliki SIP ..... karena bila mereka tidak menjalani PTT maka SIP yang mereka dapatkan hanyalah SIP sementara yang panjangnya hanya 6 bulan saja, dan seterusnya dapat diperpanjang sebanyak 3 kali. Kok begitu.... Karena surat selesai masa bakti itu merupakan salah satu persyaratan untuk mendapatkan SIP FULL. Trus setelah itu?????/ Well hal ini juga dialami penulis.....(ciee penulis bo.) Saya saat ini berada di Samarinda ibukota dari Kalimantan Timur.
Saya lulus pada desember 2006 bersama teman-teman FKUA angkatan 2000. Back to nature..... Karena waktu itu setelah melamar PTT pusat sebanyak 2 kali dan semuanya DITOLAK maka akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pulang ke kampung halaman.... KAMPUNG..... bekerja di sebuah rumah sakit swasta...... dan tentunya diwajibkan untuk memiliki SIP... tapi apa daya, karena belum PTT akhirnya hanya dapat SIP yang 6 bulanan....... trus keluar Permenkes 512/MENKES/PER/IV/2007 pada tanggal 27 april 2007.... yang menyatakan bahwa SIP dapat keluar FULL tanpa disertai surat selesai masa bakti.... Jadi Kesimpulannya????? ya ga perlu PTT...... MERDEKA......... Tapi begitu ta tanyakan ke DKK Samarinda..... Tetap ga bisa keluar SIP yang full......... but anyway penulis tetap saja membuat SIP sementara (daripada ga praktek......) and time go on........ penulis akhirnya memperpanjang unuk ke-3 kalinya. mau ga mau penulis akhirnya memikirkan beberapa hal untuk menyelamatkan situasi.....:
1. PTT
2. Sekolah lagi
3. Kawin lagi.... ups maksudnya pindah lagi ke kota lain yang bisa bikin SIP FULL
4. PNS (ini yang akhirnya diambil penulis)
........ well ini otonomi bung
Jadi kesimpulannya ......... simpulin aja sendiri.... hehehe
Jadi mungkin ada beberapa pilihan yang masuk akal bagi teman-teman...:
1. PTT dulu ya hitung-hitung caari pengalaman dan mengabdi bagi nusa dan bangsa serta menjadi manusia yang berguna bagi tanah air
2. Langsung sekolah PPDS
3. Langsung kawin dan jadi ibu/bapak rumah tangga yang baik
4. Cari daerah yang bisa untuk bikin SIP full ( banyak kok yang bisa percayalah)
5. Bertahan dengan SIP yang 6 bulan itu
6. Beralih profesi ( tidak disarankan)
7. Jadi PNS
8. Jadi relawan (kalo di tempat bencana ga butuh SIP... kayaknya)
9. DLL (kalo ada yang punya ide.......)
ok That's all for today medical info...
bagi yang mau download Permenkes 512/MENKES/PER/IV/2007 dapat di download disini.
untuk formulir permohonan SIP dapat di download disini


  1. To Dr. Fahroni W.: Bagus. Saya gembira kalau ada yang mau menulis pengalamannya di daerah / sekitar tempat bekerja. Menulis adalah salah satu cara utk menghilangkan Stres. Salam Sukses. Basuki Pramana

  2. To TS Dr. Basuki Pramana...... of cross(tentu aja)...
    banyak aturan dari pusat yang belum sampai ke daerah........?????????
    jadi....... just do the best and pray to god that our medical services will be helpful to other....
    let GOD help us.....


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